If bla is a concept - blamaster is the master of bla

Friday, September 16, 2005

"Tu pa tam" or "Here and there"

I saw a movie couple of days ago - an ode to a small town where I am from. It is called "Tu pa tam", done by young Slovenian team. I guess it's the best film I have ever seen.
It showes a real great Kranj spirit.
Guys you are the best!!!
Mr. P. Okorn - I guess the finances were your domain - so thank you for helping a project like this!!!


Blogger Centrifuzija said...

Fantje bodo gotovo veseli tega komplimenta. In najbolj zagreti se niso ustavili po tem uspehu, ampak delajo dalje.

Tu pa tam (če ga slučajno še nisi sam odkril)

4:47 PM


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