If bla is a concept - blamaster is the master of bla

Monday, June 13, 2005

The opening of my first blog

"I am so glad to see you all here at the event of opening my first blog.
Please feel free to eat all free food I have bought for this occasion - same with the drinks. But waitreses are not for free. I mean - we paid them for serving the food and the wine.
And now I have to shut up because one of my VIP clients just showed up and I have to go and kiss his ass."

As You can see, life in client service is full of sarcasm. I am glad I don't work in client service. But I do ...


Blogger JA-NE-Z said...

Dobrodosel v blogosfero (bi te pozdravil se po ukrajinsko, ce bi se mi vsaj sanjalo, kako...)!

9:13 PM

Blogger Anze said...


11:24 AM


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