If bla is a concept - blamaster is the master of bla

Monday, August 22, 2005

Evenings brain performs a bit differently

While working in creative business I always had to be creative during the day - from 9am till 9pm. I did discipline myself a lot, but sill the best time of "creating" is at night. When streets are calm, it's dark and nothing fun on TV.
It means that I have to spend at least 2 hours per evening spend on work. I guess it is already time to compensate this time with some time during the day?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

This one is nice if you know yougoslav history an slovenian present. From http://drepank.myphotos.cc/kongres.htm Posted by Picasa

And a bullshit keyboard ... From: http://dorm.tunkeymicket.com/images/bullshit_keyboard.jpg Posted by Picasa

Bullshit in Chinese from http://imagescommerce.bcentral.com/merchantfiles/4508723/chinese-bullshit.jpg Posted by Picasa

Where I got this: NO BULLSHIT sign?here: http://www.jcnot4me.com/images/Bullshit-Negation_in-color_small-Sign.gif Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Some servers suck. But they suck because the owners do not want to up-grade. And why they don't want to up-grade?  Posted by Picasa

Spontaneous creativity

Can you be predictable and good creative? I guess not. You have to be at least a bit spontaneous and un-predictable - not only in thinking but alo as a character.
Of course to produce "creativity" (to develop stuff where creative is needed) you need a lot of discipline. Ideas do not just knock on your forehead. You have to find thm in labyrinths of your head. And soul. And your past. And ... be spontaneous while seeking for best ideas.

I am sure that there are jobs where you shouldn't be spontaneous and unpredictable, but you still have to be creative to find best solutions - and one can do that whil being spontaneous and unpredictable in thinking not in deeds.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

layout of course ... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No comments? Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 08, 2005

Esthetic of the past

Soviet Union had its own understanding of beauty. It was deeply interlinked with ideology. Then “perestroika” came and enabled western popular esthetics to start it’s cultural occupation.
SU was very radical and very totalitarian. Esthetics had its own position in the global system of communism.
Than system collapsed and neo-capitalism emerged. While openly accepting all the visual crap brought by western media and businesses and appearance of new-old nations (as Ukrainian), understanding of what is the common esthetics (of each newly born countries) is very hard.

- Because the new elected government wants to amplify the ethno stylistics and esthetics.
- Lack of good promoters of new stylistics and visual styles
- Redundancy of good style
- Lack of educated elites
- Controversial elites
- Poor living standards (strongest motivation is money and not beauty)
- …

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ode to a bubble. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

How to achieve long-lasting effect? Posted by Picasa

When trying to figure out what I have in mind, probably someone should search for a small point of the beginning of the nerve signal. How small is the point and how big is the teritorry of search.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 01, 2005

I've been in woods

Leaving into unknown is kind of interesting. Not knowing where, why and for how long you are leaving.
So I left home and went to some training into woods. Training was extreme training. Geting up early in the morning, going to sleep after 2am. Having 3 times a day rice and fish. Each meal is 20 minutes max.
But it was interesting, cool, tough etc.
Woods are cool.