If bla is a concept - blamaster is the master of bla

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Wallet budget marketing campaigns

Thursday evening:

Phone call 1: "Anze? Hello. My name is Kasander Voy. I am PR manager of a small hairdressers salon. I am also the receptionist. I was wondering if you can help me to get more clients, as we got a real competitor in next street? I mean we have some money, but not a lot. Are you interested? Can we meet somewhere next week?"

Phone call 2: "My name is Vanya Tomas. I am a brand manager of a very big and important FMCG company that produces this very cheap and lousy sausages in cans. We want to win hearts of all the consumers, since nobody really buys sausages in cans. But I am very experienced and I believe that with special approach, we can make the campaign really cheap. And of course we don't need ATL or PR. All we need is some very creative BTL with execution on European level. I need your proposal with all the creative concepts by Monday morning. I have sent brief to your assistant. Good bye." TU-TU-TU (calller hanged up).

1st phone call: I guess I can meet them - we'll not earn a lot, but they are the client with real problem, real budget and real understaning of the solutions - regardless to smalness of the business.
2nd phone call: They need a third proposal since boss asked for 3 proposals. They don't need our help.

Maybe that is why I am Creative Director and not New business director.


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